2021-01-10 00:00:00

What are experiential marketing events and why are them so important for companies?

Getting closer to users, humanize the company, grow as a brand: these are the main goals of event marketing.

In the digital era, in which mobile phones and the Internet are more present in our lives and in companies than ever, it is important that companies know how to adapt to new technologies without leaving aside the most human part of their customers. Do you want that CREA Group Event - Destination Management Spain guides you? Then, take note!

servicio de organización de eventos en España

Nowadays, joining a good digital marketing strategy with an event marketing strategy is key for a company to grow

What are experiential marketing events?

It is a business-level strategy that consists of making potential clients and / or consumers loyal to the company by organizing events that create sensations and experiences. The main objective of these events is that the guests do not forget them easily, that they remain in their memory, thus enhancing the recognition of the brand that organizes it.

In the end, the organization of corporate events is a perfect way to foster the growth of a company.

5 reasons why to propose a marketing strategy through corporate events

1. Promote a brand, a product or a service. If the market and potential customers are well studied before organizing the event, this will create notoriety and the event will be in the memory of the guests for a long time

2. Connect with the users and the target audience. Surprise, organize games, activities with Virtual Reality, inviting someone well known in the current picture or influencers. In this way, in addition to making them have fun and entertain, a link will be created with the guests of the event. And there's nothing better to keep loyalty of a client!

3. Make a difference with regard to the competitors. Not all companies today follow a good marketing strategy through company events. If it is well done, the company will be innovating and giving an added value to the brand or product. it all adds up!

4. Getting to know the interests of the users. It does not matter if the assistants are already clients or if, on the contrary, they are potential clients: an event is a perfect platform to know what they are interested in and what they are looking for in a company.

5. Increase the presence in Social Networks. A very good way to eliminate borders is with the use of Social Networks. If during the event the guests share photos, information or other data of interest in their profiles, many different users will be present, even if only virtually. 

The Experiential marketing events are very good for all kind of companies, as long as the company has a good strategy behind and a customization of each event to the fullest.

CREA Group - Event & Destination Management Barcelona offers its clients the event organization service in Barcelona, which guarantees the success of any corporate event and through which it is possible to prove why the experiential marketing events is so important for the companies.

Not in Barcelona? Do not worry! In this case, CREA offers the event organization service all over Spain, with which we take care of everything so that you do not have to worry about anything, wherever you are. Call us on +34 93 434 43 25 if you want to know more!

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Our DNA as an event & destination management company is made up of creativity, flexibility and commitment.

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