2021-01-10 00:00:00

CREA Group, a leading destination management company in Spain

When we talk about DMC agencies we are referring to companies that know firsthand all the cities with which they normally work and operate, in order to offer clients local, professional services for the preparation of custom-tailored corporate programs and incentive trips. 

CREA, for example, does not only work all across Spain, with operations in major cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Valencia, Marbella, Balearic Islands, Malaga, San Sebastián, Bilbao and Santiago de Compostela, but it also operates in major European capital cities, such as Paris, Milan, Frankfurt, Munich, Cannes, Amsterdam, Brussels and Berlin. All of them are great MICE destinations. 

Thanks to this service, many companies will be able to obtain benefits that they wouldn’t otherwise by other means. This article will explain the advantages of working with as Destination Management Company in Spain, such as CREA. 

It will be easy to save time finding and selecting different providers, and you will be able to outsource a highly complex service, since the process of organizing the trip or incentive program will be completely taken care of. The agency will handle and optimize all transfers, both from the airport and within the city itself, including services available to the client or individual transfers. 

Destination Management Company in Spain

Visitors will have the opportunity to visit places that are unavailable to the general public and the client will be in constant communication with the company, to ensure that the agreed-upon and approved program is strictly followed. 

The success of the trip or program will only be accomplished thanks to a deep knowledge of the destination, and having a global view of the client’s needs, with a constant communication and information, optimizing materials and human resources.

CREA continuously works with eastern Europe, accompanying clients wherever they are needed. But there are two aspects that never go amiss: quality and service. 

Through its experience and services, CREA Group is eager to provide solutions to every need. All we need is to carefully listen to the client’s demands and requirements in order to advise him and determine the goals and strategies that both parties intend to accomplish. 

Do you need more reasons to hire a Destination Management Company in Spain such as CREA? If you want more information, do not hesitate to call +34 93 434 43 25, or send an e-mail at info@creagroupevents.com . They will be thrilled to answer your questions!

Who we are

Our DNA as an event & destination management company is made up of creativity, flexibility and commitment.

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