2021-01-03 00:00:00

Do you know the benefits of team building in Barcelona?

But, what does a team building in Barcelona session really involve? It is simply a set of activities aimed at increasing the cohesion and improving the self-esteem of all participants. The goal is to attain a group that is much closer and cohesive, experiencing many benefits such as an increased performance. 

According to renowned author Thomas L. Quick, who specializes in leadership books, there are five stages in team building. Do you know what they are? First, we can define the search stage, which starts by organizing the teams. It is here when it is necessary to know the team’s opportunities and challenges, as well as everyone’s role. Based on a set of directives, the leader and all other members will need to work together.

team building en Barcelona

In the second stage, each individual will need to offer ideas and express them. A fact that may sometimes lead to conflicts among members. It is necessary for each team to choose its leadership style and decision-making methodology. It will be important for the leader to help foster tolerance and patience in each individual. 

In the third stage, called the identification stage, the team may develop habits that support team rules and values through the use of tools and methods that determine the trust, motivation and communication. This is why this stage will work on teamwork, leading to closer relationships inside the group. 

In the fourth stage, levels of loyalty, participation and motivation will be displayed, and the team will work on its decision-making process. 

Lastly, in the fifth stage of assimilation/reform, the leaders should emphasize the gratitude of the organization and the recognition of both the team and the individual.

As a result, these activities and improve employee motivation, strengthen the mutual trust among the various team members, work on everyone’s strengths and weaknesses, and improve the working environment and creativity. 

What kind of activities can you find in the team building sessions that CREA organizes both in Barcelona and in the rest of Spain?

  • Workshops. CREA Group organizes all kinds of group workshops with different themes: music, dancing, gastronomy and culture. This means that you can choose whatever suits the team, be it tapa, flamenco, gin-tonic, wine or castellers workshops.
  • Gymkhanas. The purpose of this type of activity is to strengthen teamwork and team relationships. It includes activities on the beach, photo rallies, room escape and treasure hunt activities. 

Are you interested in strengthening your team’s relationships? Find out more about team building activities in Barcelona and the rest of Spain; contact us at info@creagroupevents.com.

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