
What are soft skills and how can you improve them in your team?

soft skills

As an events agency with a solid track record in organizing meetings and corporate strategies, this time we are going to address a fundamental concept for a company's engine: soft skills, essential to be able to adapt to job requirements. But what are they exactly and how can you improve them in your team?

What are soft skills?

Soft skills, also known as people skills, refer to personal attributes that are not directly related to technical knowledge and job-specific skills. These skills relate to the ability to interact effectively with others, communicate, collaborate, and problem-solve.

Difference between Soft Skills and Hard Skills

It's important to understand the difference between soft skills and hard skills. The latter refer to technical abilities and expertise in using specific tools and techniques in each professional field and can be measured quantitatively and qualitatively.

On the other hand, as the term suggests, soft skills are flexible and cannot be measured as they relate to abstract concepts such as the ability to work in a team, communication skills, assertiveness, and ease in decision making. Although academic background and work experience can enhance these skills, their development is favored in individuals with a natural predisposition.

In this sense, we can say that certain profiles are increasingly important for the success of a team.

How to improve soft skills among members of your team?

Although soft skills are difficult to measure directly, there are some ways that employers can identify and consequently improve them. One way to do this is through training, a resource that helps employees develop the soft skills mentioned above.

Additionally, to improve team culture in this regard, it is very common to implement plans to promote teamwork. A good example is team building, which provides a collaborative environment and encourages open dialogue among company members.

Finally, employers also have at their disposal assessment tools and techniques to identify which soft skills development areas need improvement, such as surveys, interviews, aptitude tests, or performance evaluations.

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Our DNA as an event & destination management company is made up of creativity, flexibility and commitment.

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